Pine Township Office Hours

Pine Township operates a public water system and public sewer collection system that serves areas of the township. Mandatory connections may be required. Ordinances detailing the rules and regulations for usage, connection and charges are available for public review at the township building. Customers for new water connections must pay an impact fee to the township, that is required by the Borough of Grove City.
For our customers convenience, water and sewage payments can be made at the Pine Township Municipal Building on Barkeyville Road, Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. In addition, a Payment Dropbox is located at the Township Municipal Building for payment and is available 24 hours a day.
Meters are read on the first business day of every month. It is important to have an accurate meter reading to calculate actual consumption. This will ensure proper billing to the consumer.
Water meters are the responsibility of the property owner and need to be kept in working order to ensure proper billing. Meters are available at the Pine Township Office. The purchase price for a new meter with a remote is $350.00.


Zoning permits are needed for any structure or addition to a structure.
This includes but is not limited to: mobile homes, room additions, garages, fences, storage sheds, swimming pools (above and in-ground) etc.
Permits are a requirement in the township and subject to fines if not acquired for such structural uses. Occupancy and use fees are $5.
All signs must have a permit.